I / We wish to attend the The Future of Naturalism at the Center for Inquiry Transnational, at $89 for advance registration, $49 for students.  Lunches and the banquet are optional, for the additional prices shown below. The price for everything included is $164, or $124 for students.

____ person(s) @ $89 registration      ____ student(s) @ $49 registration

____ person(s) @ $20 each for Friday lunch     ____ person(s) @ $20 each for Saturday lunch   

____ person(s) @ $35 each for Saturday banquet   

Total enclosed:    $_________________

Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________    Day phone: _________________________________

[    ] I enclose a check payable to Center for Inquiry   

[    ] Charge my credit card: [  ] MC  [  ] Visa  [  ] AmEx

Card number: _______________________________________________  Exp. date: ________________________________

Signature for credit charge: _____________________________________________________________________________

Paying by check/money order? Mail this form with your payment to "Center for Inquiry" and send it this address: Center for Inquiry, attn: John Shook, 3965 Rensch Rd., Amherst, NY 14228

Paying by credit card? Mail this form to the above address or fax it to John Shook at 716-636-1733.